Key point in this week:
1. When a medium is new, it is often used to simulate old media.
2. New media do not replace old media, they displace them.
3. People make media and then media make people.
First, people make media and then media make people. We have to think about that sentence. Well, already could be understand people make media, we know the technology is developing rapidly each day and also media is developing everyday together. But here, we doubt how media can make a people. It’s too difficult set limit to media, the media has a large extent contents. But easily, UCC could be good example for that. And usually we contact the issue in the internet and we believe with some articles.
Then professor mentioned some information about Tim Berners-Lee who invented World Wide Web. He is also the director of the World Wide Web Consortium or W3C.
And also we talked about
• International Standards Organization (ISO)?
• The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)?
• Request For Comments (RFC)?
Second, main topic in this week is WWW. We are using internet in everyday, but few years ago we didn’t know the internet is exist. So, the internet had popularized in a short time. Why? Because everyone knows the internet is useful and not difficult for users. “The World Wide Web is a system of interlinked hypertext documents accessed via the Internet. With a web browser, a user views web page that may contain text, images, videos, and other multimedia and navigates between them uses hyperlinks.” In this definition we can find some words we learned last week, like hypertext, hyperlink, etc. And other answer of WWW is:
1. a collaboratively authored hypertext.
2. it is standard
3. the www is a vast, heterogeneous network of people and machines
Many people in the world using internet in this time, and they or we are making page, uploading some files, in this way we are collaborating and creating the internet. And the WWW is a big; also exist various types of network, and people and machines.
Third, we learned some basic elemental of internet.
URI: universal resource identifier
URI is a compact string of characters used to identify or name a resource. The main purpose of this identification is to enable interaction with representations of the resource over a network, typically the World Wide Web, using specific protocols. URI are defined in schemes defining a specific syntax and associated protocols. For example, url (ssu name) - locator, urn (persistent location: declare) - name
html: hypertext markup language, is the predominant markup language for web pages. HTML is written in the form of tags,
http: the Hypertext Transfer Protocol provides a standard for Web browsers and servers to communicate. A definition of http is a technical specification of a network protocol that software must implement.
Finally, we saw some net artists, Lisa Jevbratt and Mark Napier. For my self, I interest the shredder who invented Mark Napier. I try to enter a web address in the location field at the top of Shredder, or choose from one of two dozen URLS, and the Shredder literally deconstructs the original site, slicing and dicing its text, imagery, and source code to form abstract compositions.
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